
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why we gain weight

Did someone wise say, "To find a solution, first understand the problem"? It was me =)

To figure out what you should do to lose weight, you should first understand your body and see why you gain weight in the first place. Then, all you have to do is avoid those things. Simple!

I'm assuming there are no medical conditions you must first take care of. If so, you know the usual disclaimer - consult a physician before you start any weight loss regimen.

I think our older generation was more active than we are on average, so they deserved to eat more. We continued eating the same amounts, but just forgot about the being active part. Weight gain usually is the result of a bad lifestyle. Some of the most common reasons are:

1. Genes - Some of us are just more disposed to gaining weight easily. Blame it on our metabolism, or just the way our body may process the food, we are doomed to being more aware of our lifestyle than others. Damn you, skinny bitches! 
But don't blame your genes alone and think you are forever going to be fat. In most cases, it just means that you have to put in more effort and monitor it regularly. My whole family is an example!

2. Eating the wrong foods - This I think must be the most common reason for gaining weight. Fast foods, pizzas, french fries, ice creams even in winter, the wrong foods are just so much more accessible. Not to mention so much more tasty! Eating at McDonald's is cheaper than cooking at home, fruits and veggies are so much more expensive than sodium-laden canned foods. Yes, economics will cost us our good health if you're not looking. 

3. Eating a lot of food - Restaurants give you enough food take home for the next meal. It's surprising to realize how little our portions need to be if we are sedentary. When I first started cooking, I could not cook in small quantities. Then, gradually, our appetites expanded to take in the extra food! Sad, but true. Once our stomach bag expands, it's hard to feel satiated with smaller amounts. Trust me, the portions lesson is really an eye opener!

4. Eating a lot of carbs - What can I say, I'm a rice loving South Indian! While grains are definitely required, what is that saying about too much of a good thing?

5. Drinking less water - I don't know about you, this is definitely a problem with me. While not drinking enough water may not directly cause a weight gain, it definitely is a bad habit. It causes constipation, causes you to bloat, gives you wrinkles and generally makes you more lethargic. Bad, bad habit!

6. No exercise - This is a no brainer. Even if you are not looking to lose weight, need I tell you that exercise is a must? 

7. No active movement - I am uber-lazy. Given a choice, I can lie around all day doing nothing. Even if I do get my 30 minutes of exercise everyday, it is important to be actively moving throughout the day. Even if it's just to tidy up, fetch the mail, change channels. Oh, I'll master this someday. 

There you go, those are the most common reasons that directly affect me. When I do any of the above, I can easily know the difference in my energy levels (and my guilt levels). Do tell me about what other daily habits cause you to gain weight. Once you figure this out, reverse it and you have the solution!

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